Yowa Yowa Camera Blog


Found this website awhile ago and I thought that the photos were amazing! The photographer's name is Natsumi Hayashi (なつみ はやし) from Tokyo, Japan and she goes by Yowa Yowa Camera Woman (よわ よわ カメラーマン). She is known for "floating/levitating" photos and I'm blown away by the precision/timing and sharpness of the photos, not to mention there's one for each day! (Right now though she seems to be behind on the daily photos, but new ones pop up every now and then). If you go to her past photos you'll see some of the shots and wonder how she jumped so high and at a certain angle to get that particular shot.  They are all self-portraits, which I find even more amazing because these are difficult shots. I was inspired by her and tried them myself; they are quite difficult to get that "perfect shot". Creativity, timing, and practice is what it's all about.


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